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Infoblox NIOS and BloxOne products are not vulnerable to CVE-2022-0635

Mar 16, 2022Knowledge


Infoblox NIOS and BloxOne products are not vulnerable to CVE-2022-0635.



On March 16th, 2022 ISC announced a new vulnerability, CVE-2022-0635.

This issue causes named to terminate unexpectedly. Although the crash cannot be triggered with a single query, repeated patterns of specific queries will reliably cause named to terminate.


BIND 9.18.0 is confirmed to be vulnerable. This defect is unlikely to affect any other BIND version.


If running BIND 9.18.0, this failure can be avoided by disabling the `synth-from-dnssec` option within named.conf (syntax below):

synth-from-dnssec no;

For context, the `synth-from-dnssec` option enables support for RFC 8198, Aggressive Use of DNSSEC-Validated Cache. It allows the resolver to send a smaller number of queries when resolving queries for DNSSEC-signed domains by synthesizing answers from cached NSEC and other RRsets that have been proved to be correct using DNSSEC.

Program impacted: BIND


Severity: High


Exploitable: Remotely


CVSS Score: 7.0


CVSS Vector: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:N/UI:N/S:U/C:N/I:N/A:H/E:F/RLSmiley Surprised/RC:


Affected Versions

NIOS and BloxOne Products are not vulnerable to this issue as they do not run the affected 9.18.0 BIND release.


There is no impact to Infoblox NIOS or BloxOne products


No workaround necessary


No actions needed

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