Member since 07-23-2014

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did you ever get an answer to this or this working? I am in the same spot.
Thanks, I could accomplish the same using Python infoblox-client library from infoblox_client import connector conn = connector.Connector(opts) ipv4_records = conn.get_object("record:host_ipv4addr", max_results=10000)
Yes I agree, unfortunately it's hard to know what's going on without your actual data and code and such. Note that only one A record is returned in the GUI, however it's matched for multiple reasons so it's displayed multiple times.
There are parameters you can use to affect the inheritance handling: https://do...
That is going to be a slow process unfortunately. I suspect the comment field is not indexed, so it woudl need to do a text search through them all to get results.
Try: _filter=(address>='<START IP>' and address<='<END IP>')
Generating a comprehensive IP report involves meticulous subnet scanning. Utili...
Thank you for the reply! I managed to get it working, I put the IP of the DC in...
" From an IPAM perspective, a DHCP range is considered "utilized" and those add...

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