Member since 04-26-2018

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The only time I've seen this error message was when the NIOS VM was deployed with a 60GB disk rather than the default (250GB at the time and now 500GB). Check to make sure that the VM has at least 150GB assigned and that the NIOS VM can see it.
is it the IP we get when we do "show network"? when i type that IP in my browser i don't get anything
i have tested that the 5005 storage can be enlarged, but Infoblox cannot detect...
@jrajan wrote: If a record is created by an admin or an API script, the audit l...
Thank You Jrajan for explaining about the calculation of memory in infoblox. I Understand now. Regards, Ricki S
member dns properties Here is a sample screenshot Edit: I dont see the image, not sure if broken- hope it works for you
If the client is querying directly, then it wont work if recursion is disabled ...
From reading your post, I believe you confiugred the member to forward recursiv...
doesn't IB detects if a end host/server to whom the record belongs to is unavai...
Thank you very much @Jrajan. I have got what I was looking for. Appreciate it. Best Regards Ashok M

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