Infoblox’s global team of threat hunters uncovers a DNS operation with the ability to bypass traditional security measures and control the Great Firewall of China. Read about “Muddling Meerkat” and the many other threat actors discovered by Infoblox Threat Intel here.

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Get Automating with Infoblox DDI IPAM and Ansible - Technical Webinar

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We are excited to co-present with RedHat. Sailesh Giri, Product Manager from Infoblox, will speak at the webinar.


Ansible + Infoblox => Better Automation


Ansible Engine 2.5 provides the initial enablement for the Infoblox DDI network services platform, with more to come in the forthcoming Ansible Engine 2.6 release. This webinar provides a detailed how-to for the Infoblox Ansible modules, as well as the associated lookup plugins. This webinar supplements the initial blog post with more detail as well as a live demo from Infoblox and Ansible experts.


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The joint Infoblox and Ansible webinar will cover the following

 An in-depth presentation and a live demo including:

  • An introduction to Infoblox (for the Ansible audience)
  • A review of Ansible playbook coding of Infoblox DDI
  • An introduction to Ansible (for the Infoblox audience)
  • An overview of the Infoblox-Ansible integration
  • A demonstration of the Ansible integration within NIOS
  • An update on the support provided in the newly released Ansible 2.6

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