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API Examples


400 error when trying to get more that 512 IP addresses

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Posts: 1
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When I am trying to run the query

I get a 400 error. but if I do the same query with a /23 or /24 I receive no error. Is there any function that I can do paging?

Re: 400 error when trying to get more that 512 IP addresses

Posts: 321
2320     1

Yes, you will want to do paging.


Below is a simple example.   To demonstrate I used a page size of 10.  For a real search I'd reccommend page size of 1000 or 10000.


curl -k -u admin:infoblox -X GET ''



"next_page_id": "789c5...",
"result": [
            "_ref": "ipv4address/Li5pcHY0X2FkZHJlc3MkMTkyLjE2OC4xMC4wLzA:", 
            "ip_address": "", 
            "is_conflict": false, 

 for next page, call:

curl -k -u admin:infoblox -X GET ''

this returns another next_page_id, which goes into the next page request. repeat until next_page_id is empty,  When the next_page_id is empty, this means all pages have been returned.


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