
Need to fetch licensed members under grid tab via Wapi. Searched but couldn't find specific api.

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I want to export the list of licnesed members through a web call, I know the cURL/api for exporting a file to csv, but don't have any idea to fetch the list into JSON, if anyone knows the relevant api kindly help.I want to export the list of members that are shown under this tabI want to export the list of members that are shown under this tab


I need to fetch the list of members that will be displayed under the above particular tab.

Path :  Grid->Licenses->Member


Re: Need to fetch licensed members under grid tab via Wapi. Searched but couldn't find specific api.

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[I sent this in a private reply, but thought it might be of more general interest.]


To get the grid member's name, IP address(es) and HA status I think you'll need to retrieve the 'member' objects for the grid members and then look at the 'node_info' field(s) within the member. (This field is an array with either one or two nodeinfo structs: one struct for a non-HA member, and two structs for an HA member.)


In Curl this would look something like this, looking at the single grid member '':


curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox ''


or like this to retrieve node info for all grid members:


curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox ''


The nodeinfo struct contains the hardware IDs, so you can match them up against the hardware IDs you get back from the member:license object.


Hope this helps.



Re: Need to fetch licensed members under grid tab via Wapi. Searched but couldn't find specific api.

New Member
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Just in case someone else can't get this to work:


In Curl this would look something like this, looking at the single grid member '':


curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox ''


The WAPI version number 2.5 needs a "v" in front, like v2.5, so:


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