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Trying to create namedacl - returns error with the access_list payload format

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I get this error for the access_list format. I have tried different things . But I am unable to GET access_list or POST it. Appreciate any help on this. 

"Error": "AdmConProtoError: Missing struct type in access_list.",
"code": "Client.Ibap.Proto",
"text": "Missing struct type in access_list."
"name": "hello1",
"access_list" : [
"address": "",
"address": "",

Re: Trying to create namedacl - returns error with the access_list payload format

Posts: 321
1759     0

try this call to get a list of all the Named ACLs and their entries:


curl -k -u admin:infoblox -X GET ',comment'

That should give you a good example of what an ACL entry  struct looks like,  and from that you should be able build the JSON to create a new one or modify an existing one.


For your example I had to change the addresses to work with the netmask.  ( i could have also changed the netmask to /32 ).  Here's what it might look like:


curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X POST '' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -d \
	"name": "hello1",
	"access_list" : 
			"_struct": "addressac",
			"address": "",
			"_struct": "addressac",
			"address": "",
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