
WAPI: Reset fields to inherited status

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Hi Forum,


I am trying to delete PXE-Boot options (next-server/bootfile) from an existing fixed address by REST-PUT. Does anyone know how to reset these fields, so they go back to the "inherited" (from network) state?


{"bootfile": "" "empty" or "null"} will be accepted literally  

{"bootfile": 0, empty or null } are "Bad Requests".


Thanks for any hint

Re: WAPI: Reset fields to inherited status

Posts: 321
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You will also need to use the "use_" field for each attribute.  Here's how to clear out all three PXE options.


Before setting, getting the pertenant fields for a specific fixed address:


curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X GET ',bootserver,nextserver,use_bootfile,use_bootserver,use_nextserver'                                                                                                                             




        "_ref": "fixedaddress/ZG5zLmZpeGVkX2FkZHJlc3MkMTAuOS4xNi4yMDEuMC4u:", 
        "bootfile": "boot.bin", 
        "bootserver": "", 
        "ipv4addr": "", 
        "network_view": "default", 
        "nextserver": "", 
        "use_bootfile": true, 
        "use_bootserver": true, 
        "use_nextserver": true



Then set each value using the _ref for the fixed address:


curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X PUT '' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" -d  \
	"bootfile": "",
	"bootserver": "",
	"nextserver": "",
	"use_bootfile": false,
	"use_bootserver": false,
	"use_nextserver": false



Review the fields again, after setting:


curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X GET ',bootserver,nextserver,use_bootfile,use_bootserver,use_nextserver'




        "_ref": "fixedaddress/ZG5zLmZpeGVkX2FkZHJlc3MkMTAuOS4xNi4yMDEuMC4u:", 
        "ipv4addr": "", 
        "network_view": "default", 
        "use_bootfile": false, 
        "use_bootserver": false, 
        "use_nextserver": false



Re: WAPI: Reset fields to inherited status

New Member
Posts: 6
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Thank you, this works.

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