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BloxOne host_app/v1/on_prem_hosts Returns Application ID 13

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Calls to host_app/v1/on_prem_hosts returns an unknown value "applciation ID 13".  


Application type 13 is the “Access Authentication” service which is a system process and is not user-managable. The swagger docs need to be updated to reflect the missing application ID.

The BloxOne Swagger documentation list applciaiton IDs:  

DNS Forward Proxy = 1
DNS = 2
DHCP = 3
Data Connector = 7
Anycast = 9
NIOS Grid Connector = 10

Hope this helps anyone who was trying to find out what application ID 13

Re: BloxOne host_app/v1/on_prem_hosts Returns Application ID 13

New Member
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Thanks for sharing, I found a lot of interesting information here. A really good post, very thankful and helpful that you will write many more posts like this one.

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