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API & Integration, DevOps,NetOps,SecOps


Export Zone in BIND format via API?

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We want to track changes using Git, and need to export zones in BIND-format. Is it possible to do this through the API? I know I can use Zone Transfer, but wanted to know if it's possible from the API as well. I don't want to synthesize from the CSV export - if that's the only way, I will go for the Zone Transfer instead.


It's not a big issue, but we have the infrastructure in place for API-calls, so would prefer that over a zone transfer




Re: Export Zone in BIND format via API?

Posts: 315
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If you need Bind format, zone transfer is the only method.  Any other method would have you synthesizing a Bind file unfortunately.


Note that some synthesing records such as DTC or ALIAS records will not show up in zone transfers.  On the other hand, DNSSEC signed zones will not export via CSV.  So neither option is perfect for all use cases.

Re: Export Zone in BIND format via API?

Posts: 12
493     0

Hi ,


Please advice how we can export  zones and records in Bind Format >




Re: Export Zone in BIND format via API?

[ Edited ]
Posts: 315
493     0

Using a zone transfer is the best method.  API calls are fine for individual objects, but not for zone transfers.


Note that zone transfers need to be permitted at either the zone or member or grid level, from the system performing zone transfers.


Many scripting and devemopment languages have a DNS library that can perform zone transfers.  Or it can be performed at the command line, for example:


dig @{dns server ip address} AXFR



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