Member since 07-08-2022

Community record

Hi, Soalrwind is monitoring device up/down status only . any solution to monitor Hardware as no alert when Power supply 1 is faulty. Thanks
Hi, Power supply is found faulty. means Power Supply 1 removed alert --> power supply s faulty . need to replace PSU
Using a zone transfer is the best method. API calls are fine for individual obj...
Anyone can suggest the upgrade path from Version 8.5.4 to 9.0.3 . Thanks.
Please advise upgrade path from 8.5,4 to latest version 9.0.3 Is it from 8.5.4--> 8.6.2 > 8.6.4 > 9.0.3 Thanks.
If you are in 8.6 you can likely use: set maintenancemode synctime But you should probably turn in a support ticket Thanks Get Outlook for Android<>
Hi, Whenever there is a change in the Authoritative DNS like adding text record...
Hi, Please advise upgrade path from 8.5.4 to 8.6.2 . Thanks
Hi, NIOS 8.4.x already reach the end of support, i suggest you to upgrade to Ge...