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API & Integration, DevOps,NetOps,SecOps


How to get a list of network containers that are not inside of another network container?

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I am trying to use the API to get a list of all network containers that are not inside of another network container. I can see that these containers can be identified by the fact that the "network_container" attribute has a "/" as a value. Making it clear that the container does not have a parent container.




"_ref": "networkcontainer/<id>",
"comment": "Parent container",
"network": "",
"network_container": "/",   <- No network here, so this container is not inside another one.
"network_view": "default"

"_ref": "networkcontainer/<id>",
"comment": "Child container",
"network": "",
"network_container": "",
"network_view": "default"


Example of the query I used (highlighted the important part):




I would expect this call to return a list of all network container objects that are not inside of another container. But using this "/" as a search query results in an error. It seems like the field only accepts values shaped as CIDR notated networks.


Does anyone know how I can create a query that returns only the network containers that are not inside of another network container?

/Re: How to get a list of network containers that are not inside of another network container?

Posts: 17
1798     0

I am not sure if this works, but it's worth a shot. (If I have time today, I will see if I can try it on my end too).


But instead of using /, try using the URL Encoded value for /, which is: %2F

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