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How to modify DHCP range domain-name-server option?

[ Edited ]
Posts: 14
1990     0

I am using the PUT method with this URL 


with this JSON body


and I am getting this error

    "Error": "AdmConProtoError: Required field missing: value",
    "code": "Client.Ibap.Proto",
    "text": "Required field missing: value"

The URL should be correct because I can use this simple body to change the name/comment for the range

    "name": "Difan-testing-range-1"

Could you tell me what I did wrong? Thanks!

Re: How to modify DHCP range domain-name-server option?

Posts: 14
1991     0

Any updates, please? Would appreciate your help very much!

Re: How to modify DHCP range domain-name-server option?

Posts: 38
1991     0

Hi Difan,


The request body does not need a 'values' array inside the 'options' array. In your case the request body should be:


"options": [
            "value": "",
            "name": "domain-name-servers",
            "num": 6,
            "use_option": true,
            "vendor_class": "DHCP"



Re: How to modify DHCP range domain-name-server option?

Posts: 14
1991     0

Hi Shukran, your request body works, and thanks for that. However, after I applied it, my "default route" option changed... It was configured as "inherited: false" with this value

                        "name": "routers",
                        "num": 3,
                        "use_option": true,
                        "value": "",
                        "vendor_class": "DHCP"

After applying the provided body data, it became "inherited: true" with this data

                        "name": "routers",
                        "num": 3,
                        "use_option": false,
                        "value": "",
                        "vendor_class": "DHCP"

Here is the request body I applied:

    "options": [
            "name": "domain-name-servers",
            "num": 6,
            "value": "",
            "use_option": false,
            "vendor_class": "DHCP"

I didn't touch this default router option 3 at all... Do you know why this is the case? Thanks!


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