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API & Integration, DevOps,NetOps,SecOps


PTR records for a large subnet

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I have a need to identify and delete stale PTR records from certain subnets. The subnet could be a /24 or a /23 or even a /16. There are a fair amount of these networks and this involves a lot of PTR records. From what I have seen in the API documentation, I can only get PTR records for a certain IPv4 or IPv6 IP address (by passing in the ipv4addr / ipv6addr parameter). That would make it a LOT of API calls - one each for a GET and another for a DELETE (because I need to log them first before deleting).


I was hoping that I could pass in a network (ex. that would give me all the PTRs that are present in that block of 65,536 addresses. How would I achieve my objective? Obviously, I do not want to iterate through each IP address and make WAPI calls for each.

Re: PTR records for a large subnet

Posts: 306
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This search will return each IP address in a subnet, along with the _ref for individual DNS records, for any IP address that has a PTR associated with it:


curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X GET ''

The returned list will have entries like this, for each matching IP address:


        "_ref": "ipv4address/Li5pcHY0X2FkZHJlc3MkMTAuOS4xNi4xOC8w:",
        "ip_address": "",
        "is_conflict": false,
        "mac_address": "",
        "names": [
        "network": "",
        "network_view": "default",
        "objects": [
        "status": "USED",
        "types": [
        "usage": [

Then each PTR can be queried to find the attributes like creation time or hostname or whatever.

Re: PTR records for a large subnet

New Member
Posts: 2
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Thank you so much!  That works in identifying all the PTRs for a whole network although it doesn't give me the details of the PTRs themselves.  For the details I have to actually do another query which will result in a lot of API calls.  But, if I just want to identify the PTRs and get the references, this is a great way.  Thanks.


Just FYI, I was able to figure out another way to get a list of all PTRs and all the details by querying on their zones. In my case, most of the networks are /24 and I have reverse zones for those /24 networks.  So, I was able to run this API call for a network whose reverse zone would be 

curl -k1 -u admin:infoblox -X GET 'https://myInfobloxurl/wapi/2.12/record:ptr?_return_fields%2B=extattrs,comment,ipv4addr,dns_name,name,ptrdname,zone,view&'

And get back results like this.  All PTRs for this network and all their details.

"_ref": "record:ptr/",
"comment": "Testing newbloxlab - Creating a PTR 1 on specific IP through WAPI for testing",
"dns_name": "",
"ipv4addr": "",
"name": "",
"ptrdname": "",
"view": "default",
"zone": ""
"_ref": "record:ptr/",
"comment": "Testing newbloxlab - Creating a PTR 2 on specific IP through WAPI for testing",
"dns_name": "",
"ipv4addr": "",
"name": "",
"ptrdname": "",
"view": "default",
"zone": ""
"_ref": "record:ptr/",
"comment": "Testing newbloxlab - Creating a PTR 3 on specific IP through WAPI for testing",
"dns_name": "",
"ipv4addr": "",
"name": "",
"ptrdname": "",
"view": "default",
"zone": ""

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