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restart_status() incorrectly returns nothing

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We have a perl script which restarts our Infoblox service, but only when configuration changes require a service restart to take effect.


However, we've noticed that even though the Infoblox UI tells us configuration changes require a service restart, $session->restart_status() says it doesn't.


Sometimes restart_status() indicates a restart is needed, other times it wont.

Has something changed, or is this a known issue?


my @restart_list = $session->restart_status();
if (scalar( @restart_list ) > 0)
   $session->restart( delay_between_members => 10, );

Version information:
Perl module: 8.00660021654873509
Server's Infoblox appliance version: 8.6.2-49947-c076923293a0

Re: restart_status() incorrectly returns nothing

[ Edited ]
Posts: 312
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Please make note, the Perl API is deprecated since NIOS 8.4.0, March 2019.  At some point in the future it will no long er be supported.  It's recommended to move all development to use WAPI / REST API instead.

Re: restart_status() incorrectly returns nothing

New Member
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Thanks MRichard,


Would you pass along a link to the deprecation notice?  I've searched everything I can think of.  But, my google-fu is weak today.


Many thanks,


Re: restart_status() incorrectly returns nothing

Posts: 312
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This is detailed in the release notes for each recent release.  They can be found at within the Download Center section.

Re: restart_status() incorrectly returns nothing

New Member
Posts: 3
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We've been working with Infoblox support.


Through much testing, I've confirmed that in order to get restart_status() to correctly report if configuration changes require a restart; the user's account must be set to have super user permission.

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