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SCOM Management Pack

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Does anyone know if there is a Microsoft Systems Center Operations Manager Managment Pack for Infoblox?

Re: SCOM Management Pack

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There had been a SCOM pack developed for SCOM 2008 and also provided limited NIOS 5.x support for 2010. Microsoft changed the discovery process in SCOM 2012 which rendered the previous plug-ins invalid. There have been requests for 2012 support but this has not been developed. 


If updated SCOM support is something you would like to see, I suggest contacting your account team to ensure your organization is added to the appropriate RFE!

Steve S.

Re: SCOM Management Pack

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Thanks for this information. We have SCOM 2012 so as you say there won't be a NIOS DDI MP available.  I might have to look at a simple xSNMP MP. My plan was to have a SCOM Distributed Application dashboard showing AD, Exchange and DNS. I will talk to my account manager.

Re: SCOM Management Pack

[ Edited ]
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Are you able to send me the old MP ?

Re: SCOM Management Pack

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Are you able to send me the old MP? I should be able to modify it and create the 2012 discoveries.

Re: SCOM Management Pack

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I am sorry I no longer have the old managment pack. I am using an xSNMP managment pack at the moment. It would have been nice to have an offical Infoblox managment pack but I can live without it if there are no plans to release one. Thanks for th offer anyway.

Re: SCOM Management Pack

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I've recently devaloped a SCOM 2012 MP for Infoblox. If infoblox is happy , i'd like to make it enterprise ready and make it avilable to wider audience. Feel Free to contact me at ,if you need further information.

Re: SCOM Management Pack

[ Edited ]
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Anyone need to monitor the Infoblox using SCOM, you will find the this Management pack is helpful.

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