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Search fqdn for regex not working

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I'm trying to use a regular expression to search the fqdn, but the regular expression doesn't appear to be working.


A simple working example:


$ curl -n "https://ipam.domain/wapi/v2.11.1/search?fqdn~=test-device&_return_fields=name"                                                
        "_ref": "record:host/......",
        "name": "test-device.domain"

But, if I use ".est-device" instead of "test-device" (where the leading "." should match any single character, including "t") I get no results:


$ curl -n "https://ipam-uat.domain/wapi/v2.11.1/search?fqdn~=.est-device&_return_fields=name" 


Why is this simple regular expression fqdn search not working?

Re: Search fqdn for regex not working

Posts: 24
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I tested this against my lab box which has WAPI version 2.10.5, and it appears to work correctly. Perhaps you could try to re-run the same curl command against your machine, but just change the version from 2.11.1 to 2.10.5 and see if it makes a difference? If it does, then you'd know it's a specific issue with 2.11.x.


Also, try use single quotes instead of double quotes around your URL, see if that makes a difference. (It did not make a difference on my system).



Re: Search fqdn for regex not working

New Member
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Hi JKuo,


Thanks for your reply. Following your suggestion I tried with 2.10.5, single quotes (and various combinations), but I'm still not getting any results:


$ curl -n 'https://ipam-uat.domain/wapi/v2.10.5/search?fqdn~=.est-device&_return_fields=name'

I originally encountered the problem accessing WAPI from python, and then reduced it back to the minimal curl example to which still demonstrates the problem.


Re: Search fqdn for regex not working

Posts: 24
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I cannot think of any reason why it wouldn't work... perhaps re-write the single dot in URL encoding (%2E)? I am not showing this behavior on my lab Grid.

Re: Search fqdn for regex not working

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Using %2E didn't work either.


Your confirmation that it works on your infoblox server is helpful in that my query is probably correct, and it may be a problem with my infoblox instance.

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