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update /get extensibleattributedef by its reference not working

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i want to update extensible attribute definition (add/delete possible values etc...)

but for some reason every time i try to use an extensible attribute reference that I retrieved from a GET call, in subsequent GET/PUT calls using this ref i get error message


############### get a reference

curl -k -u "aaa:bbbb" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET "https://$IP/wapi/v2.11.3/extensibleattributedef?name=Site"

"_ref": "extensibleattributedef/b25lLmV4dGVuc2libGVfYXR0cmlidXRlc19kZWYkLlNpdGUSmiley Frustratedite",
"default_value": null,
"name": "Site",
"type": "ENUM"

#### use it back

curl -k -u "aaa:bbb" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET "https://$IP/wapi/v2.11.3/extensibleattributedef/b25lLmV4dGVuc2libGVfYXR0cmlidXRlc19kZWYkLlNpdGUSmiley Frustratedite"
{ "Error": "AdmConDataNotFoundError: Reference extensibleattributedef/b25lLmV4dGVuc2libGVfYXR0cmlidXRlc19kZWYkLlNpdGUSmiley Frustratedite not found",
"code": "Client.Ibap.Data.NotFound",
"text": "Reference extensibleattributedef/b25lLmV4dGVuc2libGVfYXR0cmlidXRlc19kZWYkLlNpdGUSmiley Frustratedite not found"


same on PUT request to update whatever field


i use the same technique to update subnets etc... but for extensible attr i cant get it to work...

what am i missing?



Re: update /get extensibleattributedef by its reference not working

New Member
Posts: 2
1481     1

fixed by myself


my account was not superadmin and just RW Admin

this RW level is enough to get all extrattributes, but not to GET/PUT a specific one

POST a new attribute gave me a proper error message, GET/PUT just leave you blind


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