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vRA 7.6 Infoblox Integration - Modify Host Record for Additional NIC's

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I have a situation where I have a vRA VM with 3 NIC's attached.  The hostname is supplied during the request of a VM.  Network0 is doing exactly as expected.  My customer would like to create the Network1 record in a different naming standard than the default that appends "-1" to the name in Infoblox.  We would rather have a prefix of "mz" to the host record.  Is there a property that can be used to override the naming for additional NIC's to a server?

example: Servername is  Rather than we want

Re: vRA 7.6 Infoblox Integration - Modify Host Record for Additional NIC's

[ Edited ]
New Member
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I came across this is well when using VRA 8.4 and found the solution by using and setting the "Infoblox.IPAM.Network.hostnameNicSuffix" for the particular NIC in my project design.


See for details:


I am not sure whether this also works on your software versions.

VRA plugin v1.3 is required to get access to that property "Infoblox.IPAM.Network.hostnameNicSuffix".

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