Change your avatar - upload an image of your "mug'
Hi everyone,
We heard from so many of you how great it was to meet other community members at Bloxfest! We want to keep that momentum going, so we're giving you the option of updating your profile photo to your own "mug shot" (a pic of yourself).
From now until the end of May, please update your avatar with a photo of yourself so people put a "face to a name."
Here's the quick details on how to change it. Oh, and make sure you have a picture of yourself on your computer before you start!
- log into the site
- click the "gear icon" in the main navigation bar
next to your current avatar
- select the "avatar" option from the navigation
- click the "upload an avatar" or picture you want to follow you on the profile.
Oh, in case you're wondering, we'll be announcing the winner of the "Selfie With Stu" promo from Bloxfest on Tuesday at 9am PDT on our twitter channel! Make sure you follow us on twitter for all the latest micro-blogs and tweets! (it's also at the very botton of the page - in the footer)...
It goes without saying, but we are all professional here... please keep the profile picture of yourself or something appropriate.
Hi Eric, I don't see the "upload" option, I only have the option to select an avatar "from the community".
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you don't see it under your current picture like this:
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Nope, this is what I get when I try and change my avatar:
Would also be nice to paste/upload images without having to use a 3rd party provider. :-)
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thank you for the image. Check again, I checked the account settings globally and see you can change your image. Enjoy!
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Yey it works, now everyone can see my ugly mug! ;-)
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Hi Eric,
I've just try to change my avatar, but seems need to be approved. how long will it takes to be approved?
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