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error trying to post host records using ansible url

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Hi Guys
am trying to push a host record into infoblox but i keep getting an unrelated error, i'm new to infoblox so below is my code.   
- name: Push all the Dns data into Infoblox
        url: "https://{{ infoblox_hostname }}/wapi/v2.7/record:host?_return_fields%2B=name,ipv4addrs&_return_as_object=1"
        force_basic_auth: yes
        validate_certs: false
            Accept: "application/json"
            Content-Type: "application/json"
        user: "{{ infoblox_username }}"
        password: "{{ infoblox_password }}"
        method: POST
                "name": "ukaoa-r10-pts007"
                  - "ipv4addr": ""  


        status_code: [ "200", "201" ]
        body_format: json
        return_content: yes
      register: results_transport_post
      ignore_errors: true

this is the below error 
"failed": true,
310 "json": {
311 "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataConflictError: IB.Data.Conflict:The action is not allowed. A parent was not found.)",
312 "code": "Client.Ibap.Data.Conflict",
313 "text": "The action is not allowed. A parent was not found."
314 },
315 "msg": "Status code was 400 and not [200, 201]: HTTP Error 400: Bad Request",

Re: error trying to post host records using ansible url

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When creating a name, ensure it is a fully qualified name, assuming that the domain you're adding the record to already exists. The method operates under the assumption that configure_for_dns is set to true, and thus, it seeks a parent domain for record addition.



                "name": "ukaoa-r10-pts007.<domain>"
                  - "ipv4addr": ""  
If you prefer not to have the record in DNS, include the following in your post:
"configure_for_dns": False

Professional Services

Re: error trying to post host records using ansible url

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Thank you for sharing.

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