
Add Microsoft DHCP server

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I have add MS DHCP server and his status and synchronisation is "Error".

Microsoft server error description is "the attempted logon is invalid; this is either due to bad username or authentification information"


The oder server return "the operation requestion failed"


I would like to know if is an athorization for MS DNS server or MS DHCP server  or it's infoblox configuration error?


Thank you for your replies.

Re: Add Microsoft DHCP server

[ Edited ]
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The ERROR that you have mentioned is something which is returned way prior to the check for permissions to the connected MS DNS/DHCP server. Ideally even just a DomainUser user account should pass this test as long as the configured credentials are correct.


I would recommend verifying the below:

- Verify the username [It can either be in NetBIOSname\username format OR username@domainname format]
- Verify the password
- Ensure that the useraccount is not disabled/locked out in AD

Additionally, you would want to ensure that the user account configured for this purpose does not have "user must change the password at next login". On the other hand you may enforce "User cannot change password" AND "Password never expires"

Re: Add Microsoft DHCP server

New Member
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Thank you for your very important answer

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