
CSV Import into IPAM Express

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Cutting my teeth on Infoblox with the IPAM Express VM and am running into an issue with the .CSV import.  Trieds every way through Tuesday but I'm always getting the following error message:


CSV Import file is not valid. First line of the file must be either a valid version number or a valid header line.


Is this a limitation of IPAM Express (feature not available) or is there a templace for a blank CSV to use?  I tried exporting from IPAM and re-importing the same file and the software gave me the same format error.


Can anyone provide some info on the format of the CSV file for import into IPAM Express please?  Pretty please?  Retyping an Excel file host by host would really discourage me from purchasing an upgrade from the Freeware version :/


Thanks for your time Smiley Happy


- Ben



Re: CSV Import into IPAM

Posts: 21
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Ben, can you email me your .CSV file ( so I can take a look at it? 


Re: CSV Import into IPAM

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Done.  Email on its way.  Thanks.


- Ben

Re: CSV Import into IPAM

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I second this....I have tried exporting the file of a sample net and copying that format but get the smae error

Re: CSV Import into IPAM

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still no response here? 

csv file import into IPAM express

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Can someone help me with import of csv file into IPAM express. I have exactly the same issues as listed in the posts here.

can you post the first few

Posts: 8
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can you post the first few lines of the CSV file, and examples of what you downloaded so more people in the community can look at it ?

you also have to be careful with CRLF issues with the csv files, then can sometimes mess up the parser.

Re: CSV Import into IPAM

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Here's a very simple sample.  I havn't played much with the Freeware version, but when you export out of the product make sure you use export in "Infoblox CSV Import Format."  On the support site there is a full documentation of how to use CSV import.



csv import to IPAM express

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Networks you can import but I want to import IP addresses in the network as when I run the discovery the name is not being discovered. I have two IPAM Express VMs at two sites. So I am manually adding the names and some other fields like comment in a neetwork on one IPAM Express. I want to take the same addresses with name and comments from the first IPAM express and import those in the second IPAM Express so I do not have to do the manual work twice. I just want to do this in the beginning and going forward we should be able to add the name and comment to each device as the addresses are dished out. We are only using this for IPAM. All the documentation refers to import for dns and DHCP records, I have checked out the documentation before posting my query. I have exported the data from IPAM Express from a network where I have added the name and comments ( I have no choice to export to a format for Infoblox import if I want to export IP addresses in a network) and tried to use the same format as described in the csv import document. I get an error that IP address import is not allowed.

csv import to IPAM Express

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Networks you can import but I want to import IP addresses in the network as when I run the discovery the name is not being discovered. I have two IPAM Express VMs at two sites. So I am manually adding the names and some other fields like comment in a neetwork on one IPAM Express. I want to take the same addresses with name and comments from the first IPAM express and import those in the second IPAM Express so I do not have to do the manual work twice. I just want to do this in the beginning and going forward we should be able to add the name and comment to each device as the addresses are dished out. We are only using this for IPAM. All the documentation refers to import for dns and DHCP records, I have checked out the documentation before posting my query. I have exported the data from IPAM Express from a network where I have added the name and comments ( I have no choice to export to a format for Infoblox import if I want to export IP addresses in a network) and tried to use the same format as described in the csv import document. I get an error that IP address import is not allowed.

Try this.  At this time, you

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Try this.  At this time, you cannot export to "CSV Import Format" the list of hosts.  This table example will work as outlined in the CSV import guide.


You're likely going to have to upgrade, especially as you're running multiple instances.  It's much easier to connect them as a Grid and centrally manage.  The freeware is a very stripped down version of the product designed to give users a taste of what the real product can do.  There is no DNS or DHCP services, in which our standard host record and IP reservations integrate with.

In future, I'd direct your comments into the IPAM Express forum:

Re: Try this.  At this time, you

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Very useful answer,


I succeded to import  CSVs for host record this way.

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