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Network Change & Configuration Management


Custom device support bundle. 'devicemap' usage within definition.

Posts: 6
6127     1

Hi Everyone.

I have a significant number of 'net-SNMP' vendor devices, and would like to refine into separate classes (devicetypes).

It appears the 'devicemap' tag within the DSB will allow me to do so.

The question is, to accomplish this, which of the tags, 'mibenterprise', 'devicetype', or 'devicetypemodels' do I include?

What is required and/or recommended, and what is not necessary to refine the 'net-SNMP' OID futher using sysDescription field ('devicemap' tag).


Thanks in advance for any direction you can provide.


Re: Custom device support bundle. 'devicemap' usage within definition.

New Member
Posts: 5
6128     1

Hi Jim,


I believe your requirement is to get IPC Unigy Voice Recording servers/devices (also called 'turrets') typed as 'Turrets' based on the sysDesc. This can done by using the following tags:


The <devicemap> tag defines the following attributes:


devicetype - The type of device that will be assigned when matching the other attributes
identification - The value of sysDescr to match
sysServices - Optional value of sysServices to match
ipForwarding - Optional value of ipForwarding to match
cdpCapabilities - Optional value of CDP cache capabilities from neighbor devices to match
lldpCapabilities - Optional value of LLDP capabilities from neighbor devices to match


<devicemap devicetype="WOC" identification="%Citrix CloudBridge%" ipForwarding="not-forwarding" />


The <devicetypemodels> tag defines an association between sysObjectID values and the device type to be associated to those devices. The tag defines the following attributes:


devicetype - The type of device that will be assigned when matching the sysObjectID
sysObjectID - The value of sysObjectID to match

<devicetypemodels devicetype="Firewall" sysObjectID="" />




Your DSB should look something like the following. Note: Identation of the tags is important for the DSB to work properly.


<?xml version="1.0"?>


<dsb name="IPC_xxxxx" version="201902090000" author="Infoblox" netmri="7.*">


  <devicesupport dataset="System" action="INCLUDE" vendor="IPC"        sysversion="xxxxx" model="xxxx" />
  <devicesupport dataset="ARP" action="EXCLUDE" vendor="IPC" sysversion="xxxxx" model="xxxx" />
  <devicesupport dataset="Config" action="INCLUDE" vendor="IPC" sysversion="xxxxx" model="xxxx" />


  <!-- Support for devicetype identification -->

  <!-- Use the <devicetypemodels> tag to blindly map the sysObj ID to 'Turret' and that will make sure all the device with this sysobj ID will be typed as Turret -->


  <devicetypemodels devicetype="Turret" sysObjectID="" />


  <!-- OR use the following <devicemap> tag to determine device type based on sysDescription --->


  <devicemap devicetype="Turret" identification="%hello_world%" />








Hope this helps.



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