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Device group with same OS Version

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I've tried to put all Swicthes withe the same OS Version in one device group.

Following is my membership criteria:


$Assurance > 75 and $Version like /^15.2.(2)E8*/

Can you see any misstake? Is it possible to group by OS Version? 






Re: Device group with same OS Version

Posts: 65
7291     0



You will require to escape those characters in the expression. Like will match the following regular expression,

For example: /15\.2\.\(2\)E8/ will match the specific version you are looking for.


To help you build regular expressions check out 

Re: Device group with same OS Version

[ Edited ]
New Member
Posts: 6
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Thanks Ingmar Smiley Happy

I really have to get into that RegEx thing

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