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Network Change & Configuration Management


Editing the pre-template commands on a config template

[ Edited ]
Posts: 9
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How do I edit the pre-commands from a config template or CCS script? For example, the following commands are not supported on the switch:



terminal no editing


The switch is a Cisco NXOS, but the commands are for IOS. The NXOS version is specified in the template Edit Template window. This issue also happens in a CCS script.


We are running an older version of NetMRI,


The job adds commands that aren't in the template form:


Warning: Permanently added '' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.

User Access Verification

Cisco Nexus Operating System (NX-OS) Software
TAC support:
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switch# terminal no monitor

switch# terminal no editing

% Invalid command at '^' marker.

switch# exit

Connection to closed.


*** Job Failed [1] ***




Re: Editing the pre-template commands on a config template

Posts: 9
49     0

The switch has to be discovered via SNMP as a Nexus switch before you run the script. Then the commands will work.

Re: Editing the pre-template commands on a config template

New Member
Posts: 1
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Editing pre-commands can definitely be tricky, especially when working between different command sets like IOS and NXOS. Have you tried using command compatibility features in NetMRI? For further insights or resources, you can click here. It would be interesting to see how others have tackled similar issues!

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