
DHCP options order issue - bootstrap Aruba switch

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Hi all,


We are experiencing an issue with the auto bootstrap procedure of an Aruba switch. The switch uses DHCP options after boot from default config/firmware. The DHCP options point the switch to the correct Airwave server instance. The switch will receive config and firmware from the Airwave server. 


Problem is that in our test-setup, this works. In our production setup it fails. We traced both DHCP packets. Below you can find both packets. Strange thing here is that there seems no difference, except the order of the DHCP options.


The test infoblox and the production infoblox are both running the same software version. The config in the GUI is equal (as far as we know) on both Infoblox servers. What causes the difference in order? Could this be relevant for the failing switch bootstrap?


Working packet:



Failing packet:



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