
ForstDNSZones, DomainDNSZones

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I am replacing my old Win2016DC with a new Win2019 DC. The new DC is up and running, and now I want to demote the old one, but I get this warning when running the promote wizard.


This domain controller  holds that last replica of the following application directory partitions:


DC=DomainDNSZones,DC=domain,DC=se - Microsoft DNS Directory

DC=ForestDNSZones,DC=domain,DC=se - Microsoft DNS Directory


I guess this data is related to the integrated DNS server. The old DC did use the integrated DNS, but

now we are using infoblox DDI DNS on all DC's. The Microsoft DNS service is not installed on new DC.


1. Is it safe to delete the application directory paritition?

2. Will that actin delete any records/zones from Infoblox?

3. Will Active Directory still update SRV records in the _msdcs zone on Infoblox?

4. Is there anything else I should consider before deleting the application directory partition?


Any advise is appreciated.



Re: ForstDNSZones, DomainDNSZones

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When all old DC's are removed, and the new DC's do not have AD DNS integrated (no DNS Server Service installed on DC), the entries can be deleted on Infoblox. If something is missing, the DC's will create it in the zone.




Re: ForstDNSZones, DomainDNSZones

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Hi Roland,


Did you manage to safely remove the old DC and application directory partitions on the old DC? We are in a similar situation where we need to get rid of a Windows 2008 DC but getting the warning about the last replica, same as you when we try to demote it. We currently don't have integrated DNS running on any of the DCs however there is a possibility that it may have been previously installed before moving to Infoblox.


Can you please share your experience in more detail and provide answers to the questions you posed based on your experience?



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