
Hide Authoritative DNS Master Server from External.

Posts: 8
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Our Company has one Authoritative server

our secondary dns servers are 2 ISP DNS servers.

on our zone records, we see these 2 ISP DNS servers NS record + our NS record also.  - noticed stealth is not enabled for our same Master server . .


Issue is - now from external our authoritative server is visible and getting lot of queries .

We want to hide our auth server  from external and expect queries from only 2 ISP secondary DNS servers .

Please advise how to fix this on the Infoblox. .




Re: Hide Authoritative DNS Master Server from External.

Posts: 8
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Also like to know the impact when enable stealth on authoritative server   -will it reboot the system or just restart the service ?


Re: Hide Authoritative DNS Master Server from External.

Posts: 105
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so you are enabling transferzone with configuration of infoblox primary and 2 ISP as external secondary right? then you already registered that 2 ISP DNS in the name server list.


Now you just need to check on stealth option from infoblox (your infoblox appliance running extenal ns), then when u query to the domain qtype NS, then it will only show the 2 ISP servers only.



Re: Hide Authoritative DNS Master Server from External.

Posts: 8
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Thanks a lot.

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