
How can I achive VIP redundancey on each VLAN on a highly available member

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Let's say I have a Highly available grid member providing DNS service. Let's also say that there are two VLANs tagged as 10 and 20 on the HA port of the active node. VLAN 10 is used for receiving recursive queries from internal clients and VLAN 20 is used for receiving queries to Zone authoratative servers from external Internet clients.


I want to allocate the IP address to VLAN 10 and IP address to VLAN 20.


How can these IP addresses fail over to the passive node upon failover, when the passive becomes active node. Would they float to the HA port of the new active node? If not, is there a mechanism to achive that.


I want to segragate the two types of quries, this the two different VLANs.





Re: How can I achive VIP redundancey on each VLAN on a highly available member

Posts: 58
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I think I found the answer. In version 8.4.3 you can use a secondary IP on the VIP interface. Please see attached screen-shotScreen Shot 2019-06-19 at 1.33.49 am.png

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