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How to trigger status SHUTDOWN state for DHCP failover peer ?

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Hi All,


We want to upgrade the underlying VSX host of vm's that run DHCP and have a Failover association configured. 


Under :


Managing Failover Associations - Infoblox NIOS 9.0 - Infoblox Documentation Portal


The following status is listed : 

  • SHUTDOWN: This state allows a peer to inform the other peer that it is going out of service for a long period of time so the other peer can immediately transition to the PARTNER-DOWN state and completely assume control of the DHCP service.

What is the correct way to trigger this status ?

Re: How to trigger status SHUTDOWN state for DHCP failover peer ?

Posts: 24
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First of all, if you have DHCP failover setup correctly, you should not need to manually shut down one of them, except in the case that the documentation indicates that one peer is going to be offline for an extended period of time.

In the case of an actual offline peer, you can access the Grid UI, Data Management -> DHCP -> Members -> Failover Associations, highlight the Failover Association, and select "Set Partner Down" from the Toolbar. Apply the status on the peer that will still be online, not the one you are taking offline. 

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