
Migration From MS to Infoblox DIW Reverse Zones

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Hello Everyone,

I face an issue while migrating from MS to Infoblox using the tool (DIW) where all the authoritative zones are successfully migrated with all records. while the reverse zones are transferred but without any records under them ( empty zone ).


Any Feedback regarding this point.?

Re: Migration From MS to Infoblox DIW Reverse Zones

Posts: 22
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First of all, migrating from Microsoft can be complex, I recommend you involve Infoblox Professional Services to ensure a smooth transition.


Having said that, if you want to give this a try yourself, you may want to have the DIW generate CSV files for you to import. That may seem counter-intuitive to have a two-step process, but having the CSV files give you an opportunity to inspect what might be missing before loading the data into the Grid.  


From the sound of it, you likely missed a checkbox somewhere in the DIW, or your original zone files for the reverse-mapping zones were empty (or not readable to the DIW). 

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