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Queries per second - limitation

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Hello everyone,
I’m interested in knowing the limit for the number of queries per second for the TE-1506 device and whether the limit is determined at the hardware level or the software level (via licensing).
Additionally, is the specified value an average over a certain time period, or is it the peak value that the device can sustain (continuously)?

Furthermore, in a scenario where the environment sends an average of 60,000 requests per minute (approximately 1,000 per second), which device would be capable of supporting this (cloud solutions are not being considered at the moment)?

Thank you.


Re: Queries per second - limitation

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We measure in queries per second.  The rates are sustainable and will depend on a few factors.  The primary driver is the Cache Hit Ratio (CHR).  A recursive server's load will vary depending on how many queries need to go through the whole recursion process and how many can be answered out of cache or authoritatively.  There are some other factors that can impact performance (other services, how many DNS views, etc).  In general I would recommend talking with your Solution Architect so they can assist with sizing and assure all details are taken into account.

Generally speaking: The TE-1506 Hardware can run a TE-1516 appliance.  Even in the worst case scenario we test against (20% CHR) a TE-1516 should be able to maintain over 1k qps (assuming a single DNS View and no other services).

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