
User profile - api key, how to

Posts: 24
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Help Please, this may be the wrong forum. but

I am using Infoblox 8.3, and use the wapi for access to NIOS, etc. I would like to not use

username and password, but be able to create an api key for access to the NOIS box.

I have tried all the things, Click user name in upper right, and then porfile, etc . I get no options for "Create User API Key" using that method. What am I missing?

Thanks for great disscussion group,


Re: User profile - api key, how to

Posts: 62
254     0

NIOS doesn't support API Keys. You need the username/password in the queries.


The cloud offering from Infoblox (NIOS-X/Universal DDI) does support API keys.

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