Infoblox’s global team of threat hunters uncovers a DNS operation with the ability to bypass traditional security measures and control the Great Firewall of China. Read about “Muddling Meerkat” and the many other threat actors discovered by Infoblox Threat Intel here.

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Discover our newest Support Portal features and improvements

Open Date

3/1/2021 7:52 AM




We're happy to inform you that we released several new features and enhancements for this Support portal. Here is a summary:


  • Mobile devices: all pages are now opitimized to be used on mobile devices (smartphones)
  • Customer Reference: a customer reference can now be provided or updated when you open or update a support case
  • Registration page: the layout of the new contact registration page has been improved and capcha validation displays correctly
  • Active contact email address: the email address for active contacts is displayed in the active contact overview

We hope you enjoy these improvements and if you have questions or suggestions, please let us know.


Infoblox Support

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