
Grid Memebr csv export

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Hi all,

is there a way to export the grid memebr as described in the followng shot?

I want to take this action with WAPI

Cattura.JPGI tried to use the example that is described in the guide

The example is used to export host and the json object is:

'{"_object": "record:host"}'


To export Member I change the object into {"_object": "member"}

The server responds with the following error:

"Error": "AdmConProtoError: member objects do not support CSV export.",
"code": "Client.Ibap.Proto",
"text": "member objects do not support CSV export."


Is it impossible to export this kind of object or is there a mistake in the request?

Thanks in advance


Re: Grid Memebr csv export

Posts: 181
8903     1



There is no mistake in the rquest. However, the member object does not support the CSV export function.

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