
Looking for a WAPI API to UPLOAD the Image file - for Software Image Upgrade of Grid and Members

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I have Observed the following, during Image Upgrade at the Step 2: action: UPLOAD, of the Image file. 


When the Step 2: '{"action": "UPLOAD"}' command is executed: I get the following error:


{ "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataError: IB.Data:Invalid upgrade file : Invalid NIOS software image uploaded, try again with a valid NIOS software image.)",
"code": "Client.Ibap.Data",
"text": "Invalid upgrade file : Invalid NIOS software image uploaded, try again with a valid NIOS software image."


Snippet from the WAPI Documentation:

This function provides control over the Grid upgrade. The upgrade process normally is as follows:
1) Upload the
upgrade file using the set_upgrade_file function call in object fileop
2) call this function with ‘action’ set to ‘UPLOAD’,
this will prepare the uploaded file for deployment
3) call this function with ‘action’ set to ‘DISTRIBUTION_START’
which will start the Grid distribution process.
4) call this function with ‘action’ set to ‘UPGRADE’ which will restart
the appliances with the new NIOS version.
This function does not support multiple object matches when called as part of an atomic insertion operation.
Translating the steps to WAPI commands (Changed the necessary values as per my environment):


Step 1: Upload the upgrade file

Initiate file upload:
curl -k -u admin:Infoblox -H 'content-type:application/json' -X POST "https://grid-master/wapi/v2.9/fileop?_function=uploadinit"

=> got the token value with the above command

Upload the upgrade file:
curl -k -u admin:Infoblox -H 'content-type:multipart-formdata' "https://grid-master/http_direct_file_io/req_id-UPLOAD-1001/import_file" -F file=@upgrade-file.bin


Set it as the upgrade file:
curl -k -u admin:Infoblox -H 'content-type:application/json' -X POST "https://grid-master/wapi/v2.9/fileop?_function=set_upgrade_file" -d 'gave the token value got from the above (Upload the upgrade file Command)'


Step 2: Call the upgrade function to "UPLOAD" the file

curl -k -u admin:Infoblox -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST "https://grid-master/wapi/v2.9/grid/b25lLmNsdXN0ZXIkMA:Infoblox?_function=upgrade" -d '{"action": "UPLOAD"}'


Step 3: Call the upgrade function to start the distribution process

curl -k -u admin:Infoblox -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST "https://grid-master/wapi/v2.9/grid/b25lLmNsdXN0ZXIkMA:Infoblox?_function=upgrade" -d '{"action": "DISTRIBUTION_START"}'


Step 4: Call the upgrade function to start the upgrade

curl -k -u admin:Infoblox -H 'content-type: application/json' -X POST "https://grid-master/wapi/v2.9/grid/b25lLmNsdXN0ZXIkMA:Infoblox?_function=upgrade" -d '{"action": "UPGRADE"}'




When the Step 2: '{"action": "UPLOAD"}' command is executed: I get the following error:


{ "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataError: IB.Data:Invalid upgrade file : Invalid NIOS software image uploaded, try again with a valid NIOS software image.)",
"code": "Client.Ibap.Data",
"text": "Invalid upgrade file : Invalid NIOS software image uploaded, try again with a valid NIOS software image."


If the image file is uploaded manually through GUI, then the further two steps:


>> Call the upgrade function to start the distribution process... and

>> Call the upgrade function to start the upgrade,


given thru curl commands (shown in Step 3: & Step 4: )......goes through fine without any issues (in this case.. the upgradation progress can be monitored on GUI now).... and then the device goes for reboot, and comes up with the new Image. 


Request your help in this matter in getting the correct WAPI curl Commands so that the Upload of the Image file happens successfully without throwing-out any errors, please. 



Re: Looking for a WAPI API to UPLOAD the Image file - for Software Image Upgrade of Grid and Members

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Hi Ramachary,


An issue like this would require a bit of testing to figure out the solution to.

Hence, the best option would be to open a support ticket.




Re: Looking for a WAPI API to UPLOAD the Image file - for Software Image Upgrade of Grid and Members

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My registration to open a Support Accound has been successfully submitted and is in a pending state. 


Request your kind attention, in this matter please.





<Moderator Comment> Personal information removed.

Re: Looking for a WAPI API to UPLOAD the Image file - for Software Image Upgrade of Grid and Members

Posts: 8
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 Have you get this resolved? I have exactly the same issue.


{ "Error": "AdmConDataError: None (IBDataError: IB.Data:Invalid upgrade file : Invalid NIOS software image uploaded, try again with a valid NIOS software image.)",
"code": "Client.Ibap.Data",
"text": "Invalid upgrade file : Invalid NIOS software image uploaded, try again with a valid NIOS software image."



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