
Rest API to Extract Grid Status from Infoblox NIOS

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Dear All,

WE are running infobox NIOS in system, and we wanted to automate the daily grid status of the same via rest API


we are using rest API as mentioned from ServiceNow Platform as http query /wapi/v2.9/grid 

for extracting the grid status command execution shows success as 200, but no result gets populated i am doing something wrong 

In GUI I can see the grid status but not via Rest API as it appears as Blank 

Help will be highly appreciated 



Re: Rest API to Extract Grid Status from Infoblox NIOS

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in your call, grid is an object, not a data field.  If you want to get the grid status, you need to ask for the service_status field.


for example:



Also for individual appliances, take a look at the member object, and the service status:


or the member node info:




Re: Rest API to Extract Grid Status from Infoblox NIOS

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tried this calls also but status is like error admconprotoerror :unknown object type 


and when using v2.12 it says it is not supported 




Re: Rest API to Extract Grid Status from Infoblox NIOS

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What version of NIOS are you running?  Can you post the exact code you're using?  it's working for me here, even with earlier WAPI versions.



Re: Rest API to Extract Grid Status from Infoblox NIOS

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We are running infoblox version 


Version :8.5.3-417434 

Re: Rest API to Extract Grid Status from Infoblox NIOS

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You can use WAPI version 2.11 on NIOS 8.5.x.  Here is an example using the unix curl command:



curl -k -u admin:infoblox -X GET ''


If all appliances are online, and all services are running normally, the response will look like this:

        "_ref": "grid/b25lLmNsdXN0ZXIkMA:My_Grid", 
        "service_status": "WORKING"


If there are issues with appliances or services, the grid's service status will be in error:


        "_ref": "grid/b25lLmNsdXN0ZXIkMA:My_Grid", 
        "service_status": "FAILED"

Re: Rest API to Extract Grid Status from Infoblox NIOS

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HI Matt,

Thanks for the resolution , as i am looking via http interface and via curl i am getting 2 things 

via http get query, it is saying service status as_

<service_Status>FAILED </service_status>




and when  i am running via curl 

403 forbidden you dont have permission to access /wapi/v2.11/grid on this server.



Re: Rest API to Extract Grid Status from Infoblox NIOS

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Hi further to this one more if any of the services are red then the entire grid will be showing failed, or it will be showing as working 




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