
Search for CNAME record based on hostname

Posts: 21
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Hi All

I got this below curl command to fetch CNAME record 


curl -k -u admin:infoblox -X GET "https://grid-master/wapi/v2.11/record:cname?_return_as_object=1"

but I need to fetch record based on hostname like how we search in webclient.

I need to perform delete operation for the record for which I need to fetch only the sepcific record from infoblox.


Please let me know on this.

Re: Search for CNAME record based on hostname

Posts: 38
5883     0

Hi Snehasish,

You can fetch the records as per the host name by using search based on the name. You can append "?name~=<your host>" to your query to filter the results.


Below is an sample curl command

curl -k -u admin:infoblox -X GET "https://grid-master/wapi/v2.11/record:cname?"



Re: Search for CNAME record based on hostname

Posts: 21
5884     0

Hi @shukran


Thank for your response.

I tried using the way you told but not getting any response from postman

below is the details


Let me know what is wrong 

Re: Search for CNAME record based on hostname

Posts: 21
5884     0



I got the issue. the name is case-sensative. in weblient the name is in all small letters. that's the reason it was not able to find it.


Is there any way to handle that?

Re: Search for CNAME record based on hostname

Posts: 38
5884     0



I think you should try searching by canonical insted.

For case insensitive search you can use  ":" in the query like "?canonical:~=<your host>"


Sample curl

curl -k -u admin:infoblox -X GET "https://grid-master/wapi/v2.11/record:cname?"



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