
wapi: create zone_auth with allow_query

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I'm trying to add a "zone_auth" with a NamedACL, but i'm getting following error:


{ "Error": "AdmConProtoError: TSIG key or access control rule structure or Named ACL ref expected in allow_query", 
  "code": "Client.Ibap.Proto", 
  "text": "TSIG key or access control rule structure or Named ACL ref expected in allow_query"


This is the body I'm POST(ing) to "https://<url>/wapi/v2.11.3/request":


"method" : "POST", "object" : "zone_auth", "data" : { "allow_query" : [ "namedacl/b25lLmRlZmluZWRfYWNsJDAudW5p:public" ], "ns_group" : "RZ-DNS-Server", "fqdn" : "", "comment" : "tbk.privat", "extattrs" : { "Backbone" : { "value" : "RZ" }, "Audit" : { "value" : "tbk - add network - Tue Aug 9 16:18:04 2022" } } } } ]

If I try to GET the Named ACL everything is fine:


curl -k -H 'Authorization:  Basic <base64> content-type:application/json' -XGET "https://<url>/wapi/v2.11.3/namedacl/b25lLmRlZmluZWRfYWNsJDAudW5p:public"
    "_ref": "namedacl/b25lLmRlZmluZWRfYWNsJDAudW5p:uni",
    "name": "public"

In the wapidoc for zone_auth the type of allow_query is as followed defined:


One of the following: Address ac struct, TSIG ac struct array.

so no Named ACL ref

Re: wapi: create zone_auth with allow_query

Posts: 321
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A few things you'll want to fix:

  • Specify that it's a reverse zone, with the zone_format attribute
  • Specify that an ACL will be used, with the use_allow_query attribute
  • The reference is passed as an attribute/value pair, in the allow_query structure

So your data should look something like this:

      "method" : "POST",
      "object" : "zone_auth",
      "data" : {
        "zone_format": "IPV4",
        "fqdn" : "",
        "ns_group" : "Internal DNS",
	"comment" : "tbk.privat",
        "use_allow_query": true,
      	"allow_query": [
            "_ref": "namedacl/b25lLmRlZmluZWRfYWNsJDAuSW50ZXJuYWwgTmV0d29ya3M:Internal%20Networks"

Re: wapi: create zone_auth with allow_query

Posts: 7
2283     1



thank you for the help. Now it's clear that I have to use


"use_allow_query": true,


and that the format of allow_query is:


"allow_query": [
         "_ref": "namedacl/b25lLmRlZmluZWRfYWNsJDAuSW50ZXJuYWwgTmV0d29ya3M:Internal%20Networks"

(a list of hashes with key,value par of "_ref","<_ref>")

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