Infoblox’s global team of threat hunters uncovers a DNS operation with the ability to bypass traditional security measures and control the Great Firewall of China. Read about “Muddling Meerkat” and the many other threat actors discovered by Infoblox Threat Intel here.

API & Integration, DevOps,NetOps,SecOps


Add host record to multiple views with one wapi invocation

Posts: 8
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I am adding host records to multple views. I am doing it by issuing https://$infoblox_ip/wapi/v1.4.1/record:host multple times changing the "view": "$thisview" stanza each time. Is tehre a way to add a host record to multple views with one https invocation?

Re: Add host record to multiple views with one wapi invocation

Posts: 306
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Each host record in each view will be a separate object and therefore each host record needs to be constructed and added independantly.


You can perform multiple operations in a single call, using a multiple body request call.  There are a number of examples on the community site you can use to get started.

Re: Add host record to multiple views with one wapi invocation

Posts: 8
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Thank you!

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