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Ansible nios_fixed_address not accepting numeric options

Posts: 30
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obviously nobody cares about yesterdays news. So I create a new post. Again.

Details see


I tried your fix and it is unfortunately incomplete. I suggested a fix but need additional information about some option numbers (see the None values) and a verification of all the others:

    special_options = {'routers': 3, 'router-templates': None, 'domain-name-servers': 6,
                       'domain-name': 15, 'broadcast-address': 28, 'broadcast-address-offset': None,
                       'dhcp-lease-time': 51, '': 23}

I'd even try to submit the patch to Ansible... but I'd prefer when you'd do it.


Infoblox, will you do so?


BTW: Please add Ansible to the label list!

Re: Ansible nios_fixed_address not accepting numeric options

Posts: 30
4640     0

I created another Ansible issue:

Re: Ansible nios_fixed_address not accepting numeric options

Posts: 181
4640     0



Thank you for submitting an issue. The Infoblox team will look into it.




Re: Ansible nios_fixed_address not accepting numeric options

Posts: 30
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Hello Infoblox!

A new version of Ansible is out. Version 2.9.7.

And not even the initial (broken) fix is included there. Not speaking about the bugfix mentioned in this thread.

I created this issue against 2.8. That's how old it is!


I have to patch every single Ansible instance... every time a new version comes out.

This sux.


To be a bit more explicit: Your support and dedication for Python in general and Ansible in particular sux.

Don't explain it! Improve it!


I read on Github that responsibilities for infoblox-client and for the Ansible modules changed. Obviously this change was no improvement, but made it worse.

Please treat this comment as bad customer feedback and act!

Currently I'd not advise to buy Infoblox again because you block our automation efforts...

Re: Ansible nios_fixed_address not accepting numeric options

Posts: 7
4640     0



The merge request of the fix was raised about a month back, but it was not accepted by Ansible team as the codebase was frozen. This was because they were moving this to the Ansible codebase to the new Collections framework.

The details are here: 


We're in process of migrating the NIOS code from Ansible community.general to our repo in github ("infobloxopen/infoblox-ansible") and are also working on publishing our modules and plugins as an Ansible Collection. We'll add this fix in that.




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