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API & Integration, DevOps,NetOps,SecOps


API: Search for objects within arbitrary IP address range

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With InfoBlox WAPI, is there a way of searching for objects (networks, fixed addresses, etc.) with IP addresses that fall into an arbitrary IP address range such as


A couple of assumptions:


The network range is specified by an end-user at run time, which makes searching by regular expression difficult because the regex would have to be constructed by the script at run-time.


The objects do not share a common parent such as a network or network container.



Re: API: Search for objects within arbitrary IP address range

Posts: 38
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Hi logicloop


As per my knowledge, I don't think it is possible to do a range search within multiple containers but we can do an IP range search for objects that share a common parent.





Re: API: Search for objects within arbitrary IP address range

New Member
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I know, but that doesn't help because, again, one of the assumptions is the objects do NOT share a common parent.

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