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base64 encoding and ref_obj values for Postman API collection

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I look up the


How can I retrieve the environment variables from Infoblox about "base64_encoding" and "object_reference" values?



Re: base64 encoding and ref_obj values for Postman API collection

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The object_reference is only used for PUT and DELETE queries. It can be obtained by doing a GET request like below. This is example uses the GET Authoritative Zones request from the POSTMAN collection.


  [{"_ref": "zone_auth/",
    "fqdn": "",
    "view": "default"

Base64_encoding is the base64 encoding of your username credentials that you use to access the grid.


If you have a linux machine, you can run a simple base64 encode command to get the string:

# echo <username>:<password> | base64

Hope this is helpful,


Re: base64 encoding and ref_obj values for Postman API collection

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I just tried the Postman Collection example - "Get IPv4 address in a subnet". I used the base64 value to the global environment. But it got the error message "could not get any response".

Re: base64 encoding and ref_obj values for Postman API collection

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It seems that it is required to turn off ssl certificate verification. In addition, under Authorization Type to enable Basic Auth even though base64 is specified.

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