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Get Extensible attribute AND limit to a DNS View.

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I have a  CURL command that works at the moment to grab the Extensible attribute of a   Diocese, however, I also want to limit that data to a specific DNS view .  We use two, an "internal" and "external" view.


This is the curl command:


$CURL --tlsv1 --insecure -u "$USERNAME:$PASSWORD" -X GET "*Diocese:=$1"

Where $1 is the Diocese name passed by the BASH Script


This will return ALL zones that have the matching "Diocese" attribute - I also want to limit this to a DNS view.

I am aware of  view:<viewname> - But I can't work out how to implement that here.


Thank you. 

Re: Get Extensible attribute AND limit to a DNS View.

[ Edited ]
Posts: 81
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Hello AFrodsham,


Based on the way you're doing this, here's a minor change to accommodate the use-case in your curl request : 


$CURL --tlsv1 --insecure -u "$USERNAME:$PASSWORD" -X GET "$view_name&_return_fields%2B=extattrs&*Diocese:=$1"

While, $view_name is where the name of your DNS view should be fed. Hope this helps!


Best regards,


Re: Get Extensible attribute AND limit to a DNS View.

New Member
Posts: 2
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Thanks Mohammed!     


So easy when you see it wrote out! Smiley Happy 

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