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Getting unicode object does not support item assignment error

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Hi Team,

I written basic powershell code to add a host.
But getting Admconerror: none ('unicode' object does not support item assignment) internal error.

Please share your inputs if you come across this error

Re: Getting unicode object does not support item assignment error

Posts: 306
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Could you please post a code example so we can provide insight.  Be sure to use code tags to make it readable in the forum.

Re: Getting unicode object does not support item assignment error

New Member
Posts: 3
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Please find pseduo code below



$Creds = Get-Credential

$URL = https://x.x.x.x/wapi/v2.7.1/record:host

$data = '{"ipv4addrs":[{"ipv4addr":"y.y.y.y"}],"name":"","view":"default"}'

$data = $data | ConvertTo-Json

INvoke-RestMethod -uri $URL -Method POST -Credential $creds -Body $data -contenttype 'application/json'



Re: Getting unicode object does not support item assignment error

New Member
Posts: 3
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Fixed the issue. Explicitly declare @[pscustomobject]. Thank you.
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