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API & Integration, DevOps,NetOps,SecOps


Golang Infoblox API

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I'm a newbie to infoblox and trying to use the official (?!) go library ""

to interact with infoblox WAPI.

Are there any examples of creating/fetching Infoblox objects (eg. record host etc). 

I am trying things like below:


transportConfig := ibclient.NewTransportConfig("false", 20, 10)
	requestBuilder := &ibclient.WapiRequestBuilder{}
	requestor := &ibclient.WapiHttpRequestor{}
	conn, err := ibclient.NewConnector(hostConfig, transportConfig, requestBuilder,
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("ibclient.NewConnector(): %s", err)
	defer conn.Logout()
	objMgr := ibclient.NewObjectManager(conn, "myclient", "")
	ibNtw, err := objMgr.CreateNetwork("", "", "")

	if err != nil {

And I get error like so:

2019/06/19 17:38:08 WAPI request error: 400('400 Bad Request')
{ "Error": "AdmConProtoError: Unknown extensible attribute: Cloud API Owned",
  "code": "Client.Ibap.Proto",
  "text": "Unknown extensible attribute: Cloud API Owned"

OR even trying to get a host record:

transportConfig := ibclient.NewTransportConfig("false", 20, 10)
	requestBuilder := &ibclient.WapiRequestBuilder{}
	requestor := &ibclient.WapiHttpRequestor{}
	conn, err := ibclient.NewConnector(hostConfig, transportConfig, requestBuilder,
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("ibclient.NewConnector(): %s", err)
	defer conn.Logout()
	objMgr := ibclient.NewObjectManager(conn, "myclient", "")
	hostRec, err := objMgr.GetHostRecord("record:host/")

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("objMgr.GetHostRecord(): %s", err)

	fmt.Printf("Record Name: %s", hostRec.Name)

I get the following error:


2019/06/19 17:44:37 Cannot unmarshall to check empty value '{
    "_ref": "record:host/",
    "extattrs": {},
    "ipv4addrs": [
            "_ref": "record:host_ipv4addr/ZG5zLmhvc3RfYWRkcmVzcyQuX2RlZmF1bHQuY29tLnpvbmUuaG9zdC4xMC4yMjIuMC4xMi4:",
            "configure_for_dhcp": false,
            "host": "",
            "ipv4addr": ""
    "name": "",
    "view": "default",
    "zone": ""
}', err: 'json: cannot unmarshal object into Go value of type []map[string]interface {}'
Record Name:
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