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How to obtain the parent network object for an IP address in one call

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I am fairly new to Infoblox and the WAPI, but I have a pretty good understanding of it.  I am trying to retrieve the network object of an individual IP address (because I have multiple EAs defined on the network that I don't want to duplicate on the Ipv4address or ipv6address meta objects)


If I have the following networks defined with different values for comments, EAs, etc.


I want to search for an IP address and get its associated network object (  in one call.  Is there a way to do it?


I know I can do a

1) query on http://host/wapi/v2.9/ipv4address?ip_address= 

2) get the value of the network object in the returned json (returnedNetworkVal)

3) then do a query on http://host/wapi/v2.9/network?network=returnedNetworkVal&_return_fields%2B=extattrs


I don't want to do 2 separate calls.  Is there a way to accomplish this with a single WAPI call?

Thanks in advance.


Re: How to obtain the parent network object for an IP address in one call

Posts: 312
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You can do this with multiple REST body requests with substitution, combined into one call.


Here's a curl example, the request body would look the same no matter what language you use.  I chose to return the extensible attributes along with the network default attributes.  You could customize the request to add additional fields, as needed:


curl -k -u admin:infoblox -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST '' -d \
"method": "GET",
"object": "ipv4address",
"data": {"ip_address": ""},
"args": {"_return_fields":"network"},
"assign_state": {"my_net": "network" },
"enable_substitution": true,
"discard": true
"method": "GET",
"object": "network",
"enable_substitution": true,
"data": { "network": "##STATE:my_net:##"},
"args": {"_return_fields+":"extattrs"},
"discard": false
"method": "STATE:DISPLAY"

And here's the response:


            "_ref": "network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTAuOS4xNi4wLzI0LzA:", 
            "extattrs": {
                "Data Center": {
                    "value": "NYC"
                "My Date": {
                    "value": "2017-12-18T11:01:00Z"
                "Network Type": {
                    "value": "Data Center"
                "VLAN Name": {
                    "value": "This is a datacenter vlan"
        "my_net": ""

Re: How to obtain the parent network object for an IP address in one call

New Member
Posts: 5
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Thank you so much for the example on how to do this.  This is exactly what I was looking for.   So, can you do multiple Gets (for different objects) if you use the format you have given?


Can you also do a Get from one object, do an update of  adifferent object using a Put all within the same body?


thanks a bunch

Re: How to obtain the parent network object for an IP address in one call

Posts: 312
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Yes, the possibilities are endless!


Here's another example, changing a hostname on an existing host record.  First we need to find it.  Then we need to update it.


    "method": "STATE:ASSIGN",
    "data": { "old_hostname": "",
    		  "new_hostname": "",
    		  "dns_view": "Internal" }
    "method": "GET",
    "object": "record:host",
    "data": {"name": "##STATE:old_hostname:##", 
        	 "view": "##STATE:dns_view:##"
	"assign_state": {"host_ref": "_ref" },
    "enable_substitution": true,
    "discard": true
	"method": "PUT",
	"object": "##STATE:host_ref:##",
	"enable_substitution": true,
	"data": { "name": "##STATE:new_hostname:##"},
	"discard": true
    "method": "STATE:DISPLAY"

Re: How to obtain the parent network object for an IP address in one call

[ Edited ]
New Member
Posts: 1
12223     0

Thanks for the example
It's really useful information for my progect  


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