
Infoblox as Database

Posts: 9
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Couple of things i would like to ask in same thread:

I would like to know if we can use Infoblox to store for example VLAN, BGP communities.  But what i would really like to do is use this database when i am configuring new subnet and do an API call which will show me available list of VLANs and i can pick one and also from list of BGP communities select 1 or many on subsequent call. 

Another one is regarding IPv6 with WAPI. I was hoping that there won't be much of a difference between ipv4 and v6 configuration from API prospective but apparently i cannot configure same stuff for v6 (or do a GET) by just changing v4 to v6 in the original ipv4 API call. is there a API with IPv6 documentation available?

We have pair of hardware appliances running NIOS 8.3.6 which supports wapi 2.9.5. Any suggestion is appreciated

Re: Infoblox as Database

Posts: 312
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Infoblox can store the VLAN or BGP community as an extensible attribute.  It can also detect the VLAN configured on devices, if Network Insight is used.  It does not have logic to determine used vs. unused VLANs or AS numbers however.


IPv4 and IPv6, as protocols, are not a drop-in replacement for each other.  They have some shared parameters but also they each have unique parameters.  So it is true, you cannot simply change v4 to v6 and hope all goes well.


Here's a good resource for getting started with Infoblox WAPI and REST.  It covers both ipv4 and ipv6. 


Re: Infoblox as Database

Posts: 9
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Thanks Richard for the Info. Maybe I will have to use some kind of external Database which controller can query and then run a subsequent query with infoblox in which it can configure values selected from External database.

As far as v4 and v6, i have gone through this document before and while it does have some intial IPv6 stuff available it doesn't provide the same configurations for IPv6 as you move along the document and that is where i was trying to change that ipv4 to ipv6 accordingly or network vs ipv6network etc. but it doesn't work so i was wondering if there a documentation that explains things need to change or more IPv6 centric. 

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