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Search for DNS name that contains...

[ Edited ]
Posts: 14
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When in GUI I can search the database and use the filter "DNS name" And the operator "contains" and I can use just a short hostname (no FQDN !) to find all objects matching that contains that short hostname.
Now I want to do the same using a WAPI call, but somehow the WAPI tells me that zone is a mandatory search parameter.

"Error""AdmConProtoError: zone is a mandatory search parameter for allrecords searches",

"code": "Client.Ibap.Proto",
"text": "zone is a mandatory search parameter for allrecords searches"
Is there a way to overcome this so I can do a global search using short hostnames and return all the objects that has this value in their names ?
I have a bulk list of short hostnames that I need to lookup what type of record it is, as these are all mixed up like A, host and even cname records.
I don't want to do this one by one because by the year that I reach my retirement I am not even halfway the list. It is that huge !

Re: Search for DNS name that contains...

Posts: 17
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I know it's been a while since you posted your question; but I just recently had to do something similar and ended up using the /search object. You can provide the fqdn=xxx field but unlike it's name, it doesn't appear it has to be fully qualified. It's possible to just provide hostname and it will return matches. Not sure this will be of any help to you (might be too late) but wanted to share back. Cheers!

Re: Search for DNS name that contains...

New Member
Posts: 2
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Hi Stefan, could you please share your code here? Thanks, Reza.

Re: Search for DNS name that contains...

New Member
Posts: 2
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Hi GreenMotion,


Could you please share your code?




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